(314) 647-3847


Cleansing Presentation

Have you ever wondered about cleansing diets or body detox programs?  How can they be used to make you more healthy, or can they be a good way to lose weight?  What are the benefits of these programs, how do they work, and are they dangerous?

On Tuesday January 29th at 7:00 PM, the doctors of Complete Care Chiropractic along with nutritionist Dawne Watters will be presenting on these very topics at the Brentwood Community Center!  Please feel free to join us, invite your friends or family members, or anyone who you think might be interested in this topic.

The presentation is free, it will last about an hour, and there will be time for group questions or individual questions for us after we finish. 

This is the kick off to our 2013 weight loss program at the office.  The following week, the Docs will all be beginning cleansing diets along with anyone else who would like to join them!  It will be a great opportunity to get healthy, lose weight, and have a big support group to work with you! 

Please call Ann if you have questions or would like to RSVP at (314) 647-3847, or email Dr. Kuhlman at [email protected].  Here are the details again:

What:  Cleansing and Weight Loss Presentation
When:  Tuesday Jan. 29th at 7:00 PM
Where:  Brentwood Community Center (on Brentwood Blvd next to the ice rink)

Hope to see you there!